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In this post we talk about the Printable DM Screen 5e, a new pdf product available in the downloads section of our online store.

How are you frikisteins!? We continue to create digital products and have created different subcategories for that section. We are going to ‘feed’ these subcategories with different downloadable content.

One of these categories is: Game Master Tools. We have several things planned for this section. Let’s say that they are tools that we are not going to create a physical product either, but that we find interesting to share in some way. So well, we will strive to present it in the best edited way possible.

So within this Game Master Tools section we have added the printable version of the 5th Edition Game Master Screen, which includes reference sheets and artwork pictures with an epic-fantastic touch. These insert sheets are those included in the Summoning Dungeon Master Screen product, but we now ‘release’ them in PDF format and we have also added the Spanish version.

And this is because a client wrote to us to ask if the Spanish version was available since it was a gift and the person did not know English. So we told him that although the product only came in English (the product is sold throughout Europe) but that we understood the problem and that if we could we would help him with that. And so it was, we put the frikistein gnomes to work and we already delivered its version in Spanish. So this is the story.

And now the gnomish syndicate wants to get paid. We will deal with that but we have put in a full paid version for those who not only want the full color version of the screen but also as a method to contribute to the design work. The syndicate claims that they work better if they are fairly paid…and they seem like legal, hard-working guys, so we think it’s true.

And is all for now, we hope you like it and don’t stop visiting our website and social networks to stay up to date.

As always, if you’ve made it this far: You’re already a Frikistein, and we’ll see you in the next post.


Doctor Frikistein

Author Doctor Frikistein

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