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In this article we show the Magekiller, a new ranger archetype to use in role-playing games. It is designed to be compatible with dungeons and dragons and 5th edition systems. We also leave you the link to download for free the archetype sheet in pdf format.


“The necromancer’s staff was wrapped in an unnatural purple mist while the the magic words were vocalized. The Magekiller  could clearly distinguish, like a torch in the dark, all the nuances of the arcane energy, its power but also its weaknesses, showing him where the mage was most vulnerable ”

The magekiller is a new archetype for ranger class that I adapted to 5e for my role-playing campaign. In the campaign history, the main character named Ekendor is a magekiller ranger. If you didn’t read the story then you can read it here to know better how I imagined this character class.

If you roll a ranger using the character creation dices, ask your dungeon master for using the magekiller and give new breath to your game.

Here are the details of all the magekiller features, that you can also download for free!


Beginning at 3th level the magekiller gains the spellcraft skill and he will be able to perceive magic naturally with their senses.  This is that you can clearly see magic as the Detec Magict spell, but you can also use other senses using perception checks when a magic is activated at 30 feet. It is also possible to track the magic trail.


Beginning at 3th level the magekiller gains the spellcraft skill and he will be able to perceive magic naturally with their senses.
This is that you can clearly see magic as the Detec Magict spell, but you can also use other senses using perception checks when a magic is activated at 30 feet. It is also possible to track the magic trail.


The magekiller knows additional spells but this spells will only work against arcane users or effects.
You can use the resistance cantrip, as well as the following additional spells to your spell list:
1st level spells: Shield
2nd level spells: Lesser Restoration
3rd level spells: Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse
4th level spells: Banishment, Death Ward
5th level spells: Dispel Evil and Good, Greater Restoration


By 7th level the magekiller gains advantage to all saving throws against arcane magic spells used against him.
If you already have some type of Magic Resistance by other means, then you will gain +2 bonus to the saving throw.


When magekiller reaches 11th level he is able to ignore the effects of arcane magic that protect against their attacks. If a target enemy has any spell or an arcane effect activated by him that protects him from a magekiller attack, the magekiller will be able to make a WIS saving throw against a DC equal to 10+ level of the spell or effect. If successful arcane magic will not protect against attack.
Cutting through magic does not work against magic items.


At 15th level an enemy wounded by the magekiller will have to pass a saving throw using his casting spell abiltiy of DC equal 18+ the magekiller WIS, or he will not be able to use arcane magic that turn.
Doctor Frikistein

Author Doctor Frikistein

David Santas is the founder and owner of Doctor Frikistein (R). Born in 1977 with residence in Barcelona. In general, a lover of all geek entertainment, he has been a role player since he was 16 years old and more recently a board game player and designer. It also creates games and educational content for children as Sigil of Dreams.

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