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In this post we talk about the news we have planned for 2024, we review the interview that Territorio Oca channel did with us, and we comment other brand and content direction decisions for this year.

2024, the game continues

The world related to board and role-playing games is a difficult market, which is why we set realistic objectives annually. We are fortunate to have achieved the 2023 objectives and that is why we propose a new year of more Doctor Frikistien.

All of this would not have been possible without the trust and support of our friends, followers and of course, our customers who have trusted our brand’s products. A huge THANK YOU to all!

We have several projects in mind that we will launch in 2024 with the best optimism and effort to try to make them a reality.

Interview with Territorio Oca

Territorio Oca, a channel dedicated to board games, shared a little of its time to know more about Doctor Frikistein brand. Oca Afar and David Santas (Doctor Frikistein ‘s CEO) reviewed the current products and values of the brand, as well as the perspectives for the future. We set this interview to be the starting signal to publish these ideas that we will work on on our blog and social networks.

If you want to know us a little more, be sure to watch this interview here:

Website, Social Media and Frikistein Community

In the interview we also had as topic our website, which we are working to give a new, more professional look, and also we commented on social networks. We have a clear premise, we do not want to work for the algorithm. And although visibility on the networks is gained by ‘feeding’ that algorithm, as Doctor Frikistein we want to make quality content rather than empty publications.

Even so, we are aware that social networks are an important means of communication, and we want to try new ways of publishing and creating content.
X (or what Twitter was) gave us a lot in the past, but right now it doesn’t represent us in many ways. BlueSky and Threats seem like they will be their replacement.
We want to try Tik Tok, although it is content that will force us to make more videos, so you will see the cosplay of the character Doctor Frikistein more frequently.

Precisely on the topic of videos, we want to start streaming games on Twitch and YouTube. We are currently doing tests on an improvised setup and we are liking the experience. Our real objective is to create a community that shares and likes what we do. Let’s call it the Frikistein Community 😀

Narwyndeil and collaborations with associations

Speaking of community, we recently learned about the Community of Narwyndeil. If you like role-playing and Dungeon and Dragons, do not hesitate to visit their Narwyndeil Discord channel (be aware it is a spanish channel) to learn about the continent of Narwyndeil and participate in their online games. We will also start a collaboration with Dante, its administrator, to offer a lot of 5e content that we will share on our blog and download area.

Likewise, we will follow the reviews of board games that catch our attention. Cristian Becerra from the El Dado Dorado Association will continue giving his opinion on our blog.

We believe that board and role-playing game associations do important work in keeping the hobby alive and expanding it. We will continue to collaborate with them to the extent of our possibilities.

d12 rpg system testing

We have tested it internally, with friends, and also at conferences, with very positive results. It’s time to introduce our d12 rpg system to a larger target audience. During 2024 we will put the rules on our website and digital content in the download area. We will also begin a testing phase through online games to continue openly testing the system to the role-playing community and make it known.

New products

You will have already seen that we have a lot of material that we will share in our digital and downloadable content section. That is why this section is going to have a full rework. We will offer free digital content as well as more elaborated products priced for download.

We have also been reviewing reviews of the products we currently have for sale. We value these opinions very much and will continue to strive to add the best necessary ones to our products. In particular, we believe we have designed the best version for a role-playing mat, to offer a new alternative to the existing ones. We have several ideas for new products that we want to add to our catalog, and we are currently looking at the feasibility of several products to include them in a section dedicated to Tokens and Cards. But we will inform you about this little by little, because we do not want to give spoilers until the production is confirmed.

So stay tuned for the information, do not hesitate to leave us a comment about what you think, and of course if you have read this far: you are already Frikistein.

Doctor Frikistein

Author Doctor Frikistein

David Santas is the founder and owner of Doctor Frikistein (R). Born in 1977 with residence in Barcelona. In general, a lover of all geek entertainment, he has been a role player since he was 16 years old and more recently a board game player and designer. It also creates games and educational content for children as Sigil of Dreams.

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