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The Doctor Frikistein® team has developed their own prototype of a bag with the shape of a d20 for role-playing diceso! The D20 BAG!

For some time we have been looking for a product to carry our role-playing dices. And after evaluating various options, we have asked ourselves: what better bag for rpg dices than a dice-bag? And what better shape for a role-playing dice bag than d20?

In this image that we show you how the image of the prototype is. Although we already have some improvements in mind, the truth is that we really liked how it looks.


Os iremos informando a medida que avancemos en el desarrollo de la D20 Bag, así que no dudes en seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales y estar atentos a nuestras noticias para poder pasar por nuestra tienda en cuanto la preventa de la D20 Bag esté disponible y benificiarte de un descuento exclusivo 🙂

Now we are evaluating production options:

  • Different colors to choose the one that best suits your style. Because just as there is a diversity of colors for role playing dice, we think that the bag deserves to have different color options.
  • Decent packaging so it can be an original gift. Our design team is already working on a clean and elegant box.
  • Adequate size, neither too big nor too small, so you can carry your favorite role-playing dice in a practical way. Because in our Fate Watcher Dice Tray you can already carry a lot of dice sets, but if you are invited to a rpg game you should take only your favorite dices in your D20 Bag.

As Doctor Frikistein we want to create products and accessories that improve the player experience, so don’t hesitate to tell us about any idea you can think to improve our D20 Bag prototype. Your opinion is important for us!

We will inform you how the D20 Bag development process is going, so stay tuned to our news following Doctor Frikistein social media for being updated as soon the presale of the D20 Bag is available on our online store and benefit from an exclusive discount 🙂


Doctor Frikistein

Author Doctor Frikistein

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