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In this article we introduce you to the Narwyndeil Online Role-Playing Community, focused on Dungeons and Dragons and which makes its game manuals that we will present in Doctor Frikistein under the name of the Narwyndeil Collection.

Online Role Playing is currently one of the most accessible ways to play role-playing. There are many groups of friends who, given the difficulty of meeting physically, use the internet to continue playing virtually. But it is much more, because today’s extensive digital tools allow us to meet players from all over the world, who have been organizing and forming different role-playing communities.

This would be the case of the Narwyndeil Community, a Hispanic community of role-playing players focused on and experienced in Dungons and Dragons 5th Edition, and who actively gather both new and veteran players on their Discord server to play role-playing games.

If you like role-playing games and especially Dungeons and Dragons, I invite you to join their Discord server to find both games and people who share your passion for this game.


You will see that the Narwyndeil Discord is a highly well-managed server, where they use their own system of character and game organization, as well as self-made manuals for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition.

The intention of Doctor Frikistein ® is to make known all this material gathered as the Narwydeil Collection, to extend these manuals to the rest of Dungeons and Dragons fans, to allow them the opportunity to continue learning or delving deeper into this game system. and connect them with role players and Dungeon Masters who thus share their hobby.

You can also watch the presentation video on our YouTube channel.

If you like role-playing, and especially Dungeons and Dragons, keep an eye on our networks and our website where we will be showing all these manuals from the Narwyndeil Collection as well as much more role-playing game content.

And if you are interested in finding games and more role-playing partners, don’t hesitate to join the Narwyndeil Community 😉


Doctor Frikistein

Author Doctor Frikistein

David Santas is the founder and owner of Doctor Frikistein (R). Born in 1977 with residence in Barcelona. In general, a lover of all geek entertainment, he has been a role player since he was 16 years old and more recently a board game player and designer. It also creates games and educational content for children as Sigil of Dreams.

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